Original art from UW Student Handbook
1969, the University of Wisconsin, Madison, decided to make their student handbook more appealing to incoming freshman students. I was working for an illustrator at the time who got the job and since I was still a student at the UW he decided I should design and illustrate the project. I did the drawings for the handbook and he took my format sketches for the book and rendered my rough layouts of page decoration. I did ten illustrations and they were featured throughout the book. Fast forward to 2022, I got a call from a gentleman who worked in the printing office at the UW and he said he had saved the drawings from disposal years ago and he wanted to return them to me. So here are the finished drawings I did for the handbook. One drawing is missing, the one of the big chicken, apparently an admirer of chicken art decided to "appropriate" it for his or her very own. The drawings are on illustration board, one was drawn on mounting board, that one is quite white, the others have aged to a creamy color, they are after all, almost 55 years old. The pen and ink drawings are clear and bright and there are small light rubber cement marks on the image areas, minimal white out on a few, some pin holes and handling marks on the board edges but they are in excellent condition. They are for sale individually or as a group, please contact me for pricing. I have one copy of the handbook that I could include with a sale of the art as a group.